Parking Lot Updates


Updates to our Parking Lot

Changes to our lot to make life easier for clients and techs.

If you’ve been in for service lately, then you probably noticed our parking lot is a bit crowded. (Understatement? Probably.) While we’re so humbled to have so many of our clients coming in, we desperately needed to make some changes in our lot.

We’ve started by finally paving the rest of the dirt lot, giving us more parking space. We’re currently in the process of sealing and adding new striping that will provide for a much easier lot to navigate.

We’re also creating a new key system that will hopefully save our technicians and advisors time they would have spent shuffling cars.

We’ve had clients tell us parking at our shop can be harrowing, so we’re hoping these changes help make for a more comfortable drop off/pick up for our clients.